Basic Economics
In today’s economy, people learn to cut back. Most companies are feeling the effects of the high unemployment rate, the house market crisis and lets not even mention budgets cuts… but this isn’t a blog about the state of the economy or whether the stock market is up or down, we talk about pre-owned Rolex watches here.

In the past 3 years you may have turned on the news, and seen this familiar story; a woman (a real dog lover) loses her job and is left homeless and hungry, and instead of feeding herself, she buys food for her dog. There was no way she was going to let that dog go hungry. Now, I understand that a luxurious Rolex watch isn’t a living breathing thing that needs nourishment but a lot of people consider their Rolex their “baby.” Which made me wonder about the “real Rolex lover.”

How Far Will You Go?
It’s incredible the things people will give up for their passion. The example of the decade is PETA’s I’d Rather Go Naked (Than Wear Fur) Campaign… this isn’t just a brilliant marketing slogan, but its also perfectly captures the sentiment for people who truly love their Rolex watches. I hit the streets asking Rolex Fans the big question, “If the rent or the mortgage was due… and you found yourself jobless, what would you give up first – your Rolex or your car?”, and I received and overwhelming reply of CAR CAR CAR! Was I surprised? No. People buy Rolex’s for many different reasons; hobby, fashion, heirlooms. Rolex’s are not just accessories, they are extensions of peoples lifestyle, history and style. It is very rare for such an item to define someone so strongly, but Rolex does it. When I asked our Facebook Fans this silly but thought-provoking question, one person responded, “Car! Buy a cheaper car,” and when I prompted the WHY? the same person responded, “We love our watches not our cars!”